I’m so excited to announce that We Survivors now has a cover, thanks to the super-talented Mallory Rock of Rock Solid Book Design. Here it is!

I thought it might be fun to look at a couple of “covers past”. This cover is one that I made, and that has been on Wattpad for several years. It’s not amazing, but it did its job!

This is one I whipped up on Amazon KDP to use for my proof copies–you may have seen pictures of it on my social media.

I think the new cover was much-needed and well worth it! It perfectly captures the feel I’m going for and I can’t wait for Mallory to finish the paperback design so I can hold one in my hands (and not just stare at it on my phone all day like I’ve been doing 😉 ).

And now that my debut novel has a cover, you can Add it on Goodreads or Pre-Order it on Amazon!!
Happy reading! ~LJ