If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Twitter, you’ve probably noticed a lot of fun, The Bloody Key-related updates! I wanted to make sure I shared everything here as well, since we are now less than a month from launch!
First, I’d like to share the beautiful cover for The Bloody Key: A Bluebeard Retelling! Elaine Ho (Art of Elaine Ho) did an incredible job on the illustration, bringing the girls and the atmosphere of their flight from the castle to life. The dresses especially are so detailed and stunning–I’m in love! Then Mallory Rock (Rock Solid Book Design) put on the final touches to make it the perfect Gothic cover!

Next, I’m excited to share that eARCs have gone out to reviewers on BookSirens, and reviews are starting to trickle in! Reviews are so, so vital to all authors, but especially indie ones like myself. If you’re willing to read and review the book on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or Barnes & Noble, click here to get your free Advanced Reader Copy!
If you’re interested in reading and reviewing even more books, The Bloody Key was also added to two BookSirens bundles–one for retellings, and one for mysteries.

Finally, I wanted to share the Pre-order Promotion for The Bloody Key! I have this beautiful character art by artist Jeanne K. Mele. It depicts Anne & Liesl in the very first scene of book, when they’re making flower crowns in the meadow and they first see Bluebeard.
If you pre-order an eBook or purchase a paperback copy between April 25-May 2, you can submit your proof of purchase here to receive a postcard of this character art from me! Open international. One lucky entrant will also win this beautiful rose gold key necklace from etsy seller DVNEJewelryCo.

That’s all for today, folks! Stay tuned for my next post on launch day for The Bloody Key: Tuesday, April 25!
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